Signature hash does not match - marketplace API
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- Signature hash does not match - marketplace API
jackneeson Le 26 juin 2018 à 12:08 (Édité le 25 janvier 2019 à 17:54)
I installed OpenCart 3.0.2 and everything works fine, but it seems that I have a problem with the "connection" between my shop and marketplace. I try to install the OpenMarket Place API, but it always say "Signature hash does not match". Is there something to consider or is there an error ??
Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
I installed OpenCart 3.0.2 and everything works fine, but it seems that I have a problem with the "connection" between my shop and marketplace. I try to install the OpenMarket Place API, but it always say "Signature hash does not match". Is there something to consider or is there an error ??
Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
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